Oceanscape (Broome, WA), 2020
Acryic on canvas
90 x 120cm
All proceeds from the sale of this work will be donated to Careflight
Acryic on canvas
90 x 120cm
All proceeds from the sale of this work will be donated to Careflight
Acryic on canvas
90 x 120cm
All proceeds from the sale of this work will be donated to Careflight
Luke Abdallah created this painting after a seaside family holiday to Broome in Western Australia. Luke has used a range of painting techniques with acrylics to recreate the ocean scene. It is Luke’s first large scale figuarive landscape painting, painted entirely on the floor. Luke painted the blue sky first, with a paint roller on a pole, then the yellow sand with his big thick brush taped to the end of an old cane. The water and waves are built up with numerous washy layers of turquoise and deep blues, silver and white. The crisp horizon line was achieved using masking tape to separate the ocean and sky.
(This work has previously exhibited as part of 'Big Bang' Studio Artes online exhibition Dec 2021)