Strokes of Nature #1, 2018
Ink & acrylic on paper
51 x 40cm
Luke’s Strokes of Nature series displays the artist’s early explorations into using natural material, including leaves, flowers, sticks, etc. as paint application tools. Adding to the artist’s incorporation of multi-sensory aspects to his art making, both in production and exhibition, Luke collected a selection of natural detritus to fashion into paint tools, layering this application over large and medium brushstrokes.
The first of it’s series, Strokes of Nature #1 displays a dry brushing of black, applied with a large brush in the background, allowing some of the paper’s bright white to show through. A medium brush has then been used to apply gold and turquoise paint, with a final layer of white acrylic applied using natural materials.
(This work has previously exhibited through exhibition ‘A Guide Through Abstraction’).