Cane Painting #8 (Golden Cane), 2018/19
House paint, gloss acrylic & acrylic on canvas drop sheet
140 x 165cm
$1800 - This work is available for sale courtesy of Nationwide Curating - for further information and sales enquiries visit:
This painting consists of four layers - one representing each of the painting tools and techniques that Luke has been using for his floor painting.
Layer 1 - using a paint roller to make a bold background in lilac grey.
Layer 2 - using a thick brush attached to the end of a cane to make strong brushstrokes in a deeper grey.
Layer 3 - Luke’s cane, with half a tennis ball attached to the end, dipped in paint to make beautiful line work up and down the canvas in shiny gold.
Layer 4 - Drip paint using watered down, white paint on a brush, Luke drips the paint onto the canvas as he sways his body.
(This work has previously exhibited as part of solo art exhibition ‘Luke Abdallah’, hosted by Nationwide Curating in collaboration with WOTSO, WOTSO Pyrmont, Jan - Apr 2023)